Super exciting day! At 2:26pm, Fabulous Neighbor Jason texted me to let me know there were canoodling noises coming from the vicinity of our garage. I was nowhere […]
2017: Interesting Minute
2017 Flashback: Here’s Henrietta, who at this point was sitting on two eggs. I just want to point out that just 11 months earlier either this owl or […]
Sunday serenity
Happy Sunday! Here’s a fifteen-second moment with Scooby and Shaggy shot on 5/5/23, their 14th day out of the nest. Nothing happens, but your soul feels better.
Scooby Special Visit!
When I saw the adults yesterday, it crossed my mind that I might not be able to tell the difference between adults and babies any more. The body […]
Ready for her closeup
2017 Flashback: this short clip shows Henrietta returning from a break from incubating her eggs. This is why I’m always saying I wish I could give them a […]
I can’t easily find any good resources on how/when owlets learn to hoot. But they have to learn at some point, right? I’m just saying. And I’m just […]
Hello owl!! In my house, when we hear owls, everything stops — even if we’re just minutes from the end of an episode of Ted Lasso — and […]
Scooby Observes
From 4/23. One minute of Scooby on his second day observing the outside. Bonus adorable clack-clack at the very end!
Doing it Wrong
This weird little interaction happened on April 23, hours *after* the owlets made their to-humans debut. Because I’ve seen Daphne “chide” Simon several other times in the last […]