Ladies and gentlemen! !!!! Seven days earlier than I saw her last year! We have Henrietta* Liftoff! And video!! This morning I opened the door to let the […]
Oh dear. (video)
These two showed up today. They’ve been bringing leaves in, wrestling, nuzzling, and generally being absolutely adorable all morning. How do we feel about a complete rebranding? SquirrelCam […]
So much yay!
Next installment in the camera saga: as soon as my poor husband had cleared out the leaves blocking the camera, more got pushed that way, and we were […]
Bits & Pieces (video)
Just for posterity: the cleaning-out process from this weekend, at 8x speed. Also for posterity, I found these two pictures I took last year when I tried to […]
All ready to go!
I’ve spent a week learning way, way too much about IP cameras and software and router ports and CPU loads, but knock on wood I think I’ve got […]
Camera’s a go… sort of!
The important news is, the OwlCam is in place! Well, it’s in *a* place. And it’s broadcasting! To my kitchen. Baby steps!!! We had an interesting day doing […]