A subset of my Very Favorite Time Of Year is when Daphne moves out into the open. This is her third year on this exact branch. I get […]
I’m not going to project human emotions on the owls. I won’t. I’m just saying, both Simon (top, over the neighbor’s garage) and Daphne (bottom, feet away from […]
Absolutely my favorite time of year is when I know that if I go outside there is an owl. It’s like a live-action Where’s Waldo: if I have […]
It might be time for the *kermit flail*
So I got home from unpleasant Friday night Krogering and decided to take a minute and sit on the porch and enjoy the cold-again weather. I wasn’t thinking […]
Many thanks to our neighbor V. for texting me to let me know these kids were canoodling in her yard. Daphne on the left.
I took this picture on Monday on my way into the house from the car and I didn’t even notice that this bird is holding a giant dead […]
Daphne says, first of all, the correct term is “brood patch,” not “pink tummy.” Also she would like me to remind everybody that she is a fierce predator […]
Owl yoga
From yesterday: this is Simon. Owls remind me of cats sometimes, with the way they throw their legs up!