Well, we still have owls, and they still think there’s something in my tree that’s worth visiting.
Daphne’s moved out of the nest, and Simon has moved closer to the nest. He seems very vigilant. Here’s some coparenting footage from the last few days. (And […]
Got home from our walk, and headed over to the side of the yard to check for infants. Before I even got there I was accosted with a […]
Brevity again
Here’s part 2 of my proof that Daphne’s not staying very long in the nest. Of course this night provided two examples of times she *did* stay longer […]
I’ve decided to edit the last week of trail camera footage thematically. And there’s so much footage indicating the brevity of Daphne’s visits that I’ve had to make […]
An awesome wingspan shadow passed over us as soon as New Dog Rio and I stepped outside. I don’t know where she had been, but I think Daphne […]
Cue the Barry White again…
I moved the 2022 hunting camera to a position I thought might be useful for fledging. Clearly it needs to be a little adjusted, but this is what […]
Lovely, lovely day means everybody’s outside. If they’re old enough, that is.
These two like each other
There actually has been some decent footage on the cameras in the last week, and I’ve shot some by hand. But Real Life has kept me from having […]