Daphne dropped by with a chipmunk, handed it to Scooby (who was the only one sticking out of the nest hole at the moment), and then took off. […]
Tell me this isn’t where our ancestors came up with Little Green Men.
Good news: at least half of it wasn’t a hallucination. Good afternoon, baby bird!
Daphne: “First of all, I don’t know what you’re talking about, *I* didn’t see baby owls yesterday. Secondly, I don’t know why you even think I’m an owl, […]
Scooby emerged at about 6:45pm. Simon showed up about an hour later, and there was squeaking coming from the nest that wasn’t Scooby. Then… Shaggy emerged! Beak clacking, […]
Something a little unusual happened on Wednesday, and I got it on camera. Inter-owl conflict! (Warning: the consumption of a mole gets a little graphic.)
The hunting cameras are very consistent in that they miss what I *know* are truly exciting happenings. I can’t figure them out and I probably never will. But […]
Adrenaline rush
We (three dogs, two humans) were coming back from a walk. The dogs had JUST been unleashed when an owl swooped in a leisurely but unsubtle manner from […]
Behind you!
I went outside this morning. Daphne was not in her Usual Morning Spot, so I went to check for owlets. No owlets were peering sternly anywhere I could […]