Really poor triggering last night — I’m hoping it’s because the batteries were low. But if anybody knows a kooky philanthropist who’d like to buy me a seriously […]
Feb. 5
The comings, the goings, The butt fluff, the wing extensions, The glowing of the eyeballs.
Feb. 4
Daphne is definitely still using the nest hole as a food-storage location. But she’s also started doing the butt-fluff contemplation of the nest. And she introduced me to […]
Feb. 3
It’s been rainy for days, so the cameras haven’t been triggering properly. Last night I got a couple triggers but none of them seemed to involve an owl. […]
Jan. 29
Thirty or so seconds of a bird contemplating life choices.
Jan. 28
Several nest visits, an impressive swoop, and then a hot afternoon date!
Jan. 27 again
*My* parents taught me not to talk with food in my mouth. Apparently this owl’s parents weren’t so picky, because the owl shows up with an early breakfast, […]
Jan. 26
One of these birds is not like the other One of these birds just doesn’t belong Can you tell which bird is not like the other By the […]
Jan. 24
Well, this is what I got last night. I’m going to have to play with the camera that is FACING Daphne’s entrance because it obviously isn’t being triggered […]