What has two thumbs and is a very happy girl? THIS GIRL!
Pretty sure this is Daphne, because she said “Where are you?” a reasonable number of times (twice) and then flew off. Simon is clingier.
Sometimes the most beautiful pictures are overexposed and fuzzy. For example: this lovely photograph of a beautiful bird, sitting on a branch of her nest tree, making quiet […]
As Expected
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again: one of the most magical things is when there’s no hooting and no swooping and I can just find […]
Yesterday we attended a gathering at the community garden and met or re-met some of the lovely people who also experience Simon and Daphne’s shenanigans. Obviously I managed […]
Simon continues to have thoughts. And as long as he keeps saying ’em, I’ll keep posting ’em.
Well, now what?
Yesterday when I came home from an errand, I heard a very distressed rodent, but it wasn’t quite the usual predator alert. And when I found the rodent […]
When I left to go for a walk, Simon was in the same general area over the cars. I grabbed a picture and was talking to him (in […]