I wasn’t even looking for owls this evening — just hanging out on the porch talking to my mom on the phone. Suddenly someone zoomed over my head. In the time it took to grab a camera, I almost lost him. He’s good at camouflage!
A few seconds later, the owl-tree-knot flew over to sit right next to my porch, between my house and my neighbors’. Although it was dusk and most of the other birds were gone, a few weren’t, and they weren’t thrilled about Simon’s arrival. (See video at bottom.)
Thanks to another cluster of chirping, zooming mockingbirds, I was able to notice another owl, high up in a neighbor’s tree, keeping an eye on me. (This one involved a real camera with a real zoom lens.)

After the birds calmed down, it became apparent that Simon was hunting. He tried one swoop and missed, then settled on the fence. So I texted my neighbor. Between the two of us we managed to capture both sides.

And I got video of BOTH the mobbing and the chipmunk-snag!