Well, it has happened: I’m in my official post-owl funk. So this isn’t exciting cute new footage. But it is an edit I’ve been thinking about since The […]
Education on film
This was shot in full dark and on my phone. And yet it is the best video I’ve ever gotten of the adults actively teaching/instructing the owlets. And […]
How many hoots?
I’ve suspected that a lot of the owlets’ actions at this age are directed by their parents in ways I just can’t or don’t perceive. Last night I […]
Dangerous World
The ladies are back again! That means they’ve crossed the very busy street at least four times now, and probably more. But busy streets aren’t the only danger […]
Never going to win any awards
At 8pm there were not owls in my yard, at least none that were making noise. At 8:30 there was a whole family of owls in my yard. […]
The Mom Also Sploots
I almost missed filming it and it isn’t beautiful, but: Daphne seemed to be trying a sploot herself the other evening. It didn’t seem very comfortable.
Another mmmm
Scott came and got me and said Simon had just swooped over his car. Simon and Daphne had a very quick, silent meeting, and Simon handed over this […]
So glad there’s a word for this
Rey demonstrates the correct way to assume a sploot.