I was sitting on the porch waiting for them, and they arrived, seconds apart. If we’re really going to do this, it’s time to get out the good […]
The streak continues…
Today was gray and rainy, and it was still drizzling when I got home from an errand. As I turned onto my street I did a mental calculation […]
Off to a great start!
Hi all… it’s been a minute! I hope I’m not counting my (owlet) eggs before they hatch, but I’ve seen two birds canoodling in the nest tree for […]
2019 is here!!
I’m going to hold off on embeddable streaming ($30/month!) until we see if we have owls, but I did want to let whoever reads this know that I […]
2018: It’s not a bust, it’s a reboot!
2018 hasn’t been completely owl-free. There’s been hooting, now and then, and it’s strange hooting — one of the hoots sounds familiar (it’s the gurgly one, not the “missed […]
Seeing what we want to see… Or not
I’ve been thinking a lot about Henrietta’s Favorite Shady Spot, where I could reliably find at least one owl for most of the summer of 2016. More specifically, […]
Wet bird not on a wire (video)
After it’s been raining for two straight days, you just want to climb to the very highest branch and do some preening in what meager sun is available. […]
Evening check-in (video)
One of the things I was hoping to accomplish with the OwlCam in 2017 was a final determination of which owl it is who constantly shortens his/her hoot. […]
A visit or two (video)
I’d like to brag that I’m so good at owl-tracking now that I immediately pick up on subtle environmental cues and know when one of my birds is […]