Anybody out there?
Jan. 16
This video is not exciting. But it proves that there are two owls and that they are visiting the nest tree regularly. Also, my video editing skillz are […]
Jan. 15
Last night featured some serious butt-fluff-airing, but more interestingly, it also featured two dates. One got a little handsy (and is it Daphne being aggressive? The owl then […]
Jan. 14
Well, folks, we’ve apparently reached the “butt fluff sticking out of tree-hole” part of the year. Here’s 30 seconds (at double speed) from last night.
January 11
Here is an owl. She is sitting. The other camera, which would have captured some of her expression and her departure, may in fact have done that recording […]
Jan 9
I heard owls, so I went outside, but I couldn’t see anybody. So I walked around the entire block. When I got back I found Daphne perched immediately […]
Another excellent thing about going totally owl-crazy is the ever-growing group of fellow observers I’ve met. These were taken yesterday by Jason from down the street, who incurred […]