Crisis resolved! And we got a lot of Leia’s adorable little trot up the tree on film! News at 11. (Tomorrow!)
Eeew Mooooooom!
This is the owl equivalent of when your mom licks her thumb and cleans your face.
Smart girls!
Morning check-in! It took me a bit to find Leia, but she’s actually right where she was last night. She’s a girl of starts and stops, it appears! […]
5pm update
At about 5pm, Leia was in the nest tree — a little higher than this morning, but not much — and Rey was in the nest itself. At […]
Love in the night
I thought about hoarding this little video clip until Sunday. But I am all about immediate gratification, so I assume y’all are too. I can’t tell which baby […]
Three Pics
These are the first three pictures I took this evening. But what a great story! I went out at about 7:45pm and there was no visible owlet in […]
Three ladies!
Rey checks out the sunset while Leia grows up too fast and Daphne provides moral support. ❤️❤️❤️🦉🦉🦉🦉❤️❤️❤️