I spent the afternoon at the zoo looking at amazing animals, including a ginormous beautiful (wild) hawk. Then I came home and just FELT the owl energy. I […]
More residents
There are now twigs poking out of the owl box. Also, last night I overheard a heated conversation. Squirrel is not the dialect of Rodent I speak, but […]
Another pair?
1:30 am. You have to zoom, but there are two owls in this picture. I’m leaving it unedited because it was so beautiful. It is humid and post-rain […]
Happenings are happening!
Three important owl points! 1) An owl interacted with me pretty pointedly last night. I was sitting on the porch and the owl left the new-box tree (but […]
Daphne says things
Last night I heard Simon calling and went to see what happened. Not only did Daphne show up, she ended up in the nest tree, and she had […]
Box is up!
Foreground is the nest tree; behind it you see the now-fully installed fancy box. It even has a landing branch that will be perfect for baby owlets to […]
Tree update
Here’s what happened yesterday. All the branches except one sad little fighter are gone from the nest tree. And the beautiful box is very sturdily attached to the […]