This feels like Daphne. She’s on the other side of the alley facing northeast, so my yard is basically over her left shoulder. She is the only owl […]
Why are feet?
I haven’t had time to edit video from 5/16, so here’s a little clip of the cuddle-bonanza on 5/15 in which the bird we decided was Rey (on […]
They are in fact babies
The owl doing the recon rotated and spent some quality time hanging off the branch in this weird position. The other human says he saw Leia do this, […]
Back again
Yesterday’s dinner and other parental activities caused the girls to end up on different branches, although they had clearly demonstrated that they could move around that sort of […]
Mom and girls!
When I found the owlets this morning, I spotted some motion. When I squinted I thought I was looking at a baby and an adult. It wasn’t until […]
Mmmm squirrel!
Ahem. And for the dinner tonight, we have prepared a deeeelicious squirrel.
The next important step
Owl Fam know that Leia left the nest on May 7 and the nest tree on May 8. Since then, the two girls have had the entirety of […]
Important question
What have YOU done today to earn a baby owl’s respect?